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Aavista City

Helps to analyze and predict city bike and scooter usage
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Trying to find the last city bike?

Too many city bikes at the dock?

Aavista City helps to analyze and predict city bike and scooter usage

Cities and operators should aim to design the city bike network so that bikes are at the right place at the right time.


Our solution helps cities and operators to plan and operate efficiently the bike and scooter operations by spotting empty and overfilled docks. This will save money by reducing bike moving done by operators. Customers will be happier when they find the bikes and scooters when they need them.

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What Can We Help You With?

City Planning

Analyze seasonal traffic patterns to plan the future city network


Plan optimal daily routes to restock bikes and scooters at docks

Property Managers

Provide real-time updates to building visitors to predict the ride availability

Transport Hubs

Provide real-time updates to travellers to predict the ride availability

Helsinki and Espoo pilots city bike availability service

Helsinki and Espoo pilots with Aavista Oy a service to predict city bike availability.

24 h City Bike Traffic in Vantaa

A video shows 24 h city bike traffic in Helsinki and Vantaa on Tuesday July 23, 2019. Data is provided by Digitransit open data from HSL.

24 h City Bike Traffic in Turku

A video shows 24 h city bike traffic in Turku on Sunday July 7, 2019. Data is provided by Föli from Turun seudun joukkoliikenne.

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